The Plantar fasciitis pain relief Program

Find Relief From Crippling Foot Pain

Get Quick Results With Simple Proven Techniques & Exercises

With simple changes to your daily routine.

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It is easier than you think to find relief from crippling pain!

Do you dread getting out of bed in the morning?

Is there a stabbing pain in the heel that feels like you are stepping on ground glass as you take your first steps of the day?

Or do you have heel pain that that feels like pressing down on a bruise.

You might be suffering from Plantar Fasciitis

Don't Let Plantar Fasciitis Keep You Down

Learn how to walk, stand, and exercise properly --- in the way that the body was designed.

What a revelation it can be to use the body correctly!

FACT: It isn't all that hard to make simple changes to the way you walk, stand, and exercise to alleviate the pain of plantar fasciitis, get greater mobility, better energy, and a new outlook on life.

The Plantar Fasciitis Pain Relief Program Won't Fix You

We guide you to fix yourself because the change that lasts must come from within.

Exercise and bodywork of all kinds are essential but they are not ends unto themselves.

A trip to the doctor, chiropractor, or massage therapist is wasted if you aren’t working with them to bring changes to your body.

A hel spur is often the result of plantar fasciitis that goes unchecked.

Plantar fasciitis often manifests only in the heel but it can spread to the whole foot.

Usually limited to the foot, plantar fasciitis can also be the cause of calf, & other pains.

What is Fascia?

Fascia is one of the most important tissues in the body that has only come on the radar of doctors, bodyworkers, and other healthcare professionals in the last couple of decades.

It is a flexible band of connective tissue that wraps around and provides support to your muscles, tendons, ligaments, tissues, organs, nerves, joints, and bones.

Some Important Fascia Facts:

  • Holds your muscles together allowing them to contract and stretch.
  • Provides a smooth surface for your muscles, joints, and organs to slide against each other without creating any friction or tears.
  • Helps with joint stability and movement, and it improves your circulation.
  • Creates an environment that enables all of your body systems to work together.

When your fascia is healthy, it’s flexible and stretches with you.

When your fascia is unhealthy or tightens up, it can restrict movement and cause painful health conditions such as plantar fasciitis.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis & Why Do We Get It?

The plantar fascia is a thick band of connective tissue that runs along the sole of the foot from your heel to the base of your toes.

Its job is to support the arch of your foot, absorb stress, and give you the “spring” in your step.

Normal tension or stress in the plantar fascia increases when you place weight on the foot.

The tension also increases when you push off the ball of the foot and toes.

Both of these motions occur during normal walking or running.

The plantar fascia exists to absorb the intense stresses and strains our feet endure when walking, running, playing ball sports, or other activities.

Too much pressure or poor mechanics can damage or tear the plantar fascia.

The body's natural response to injury is inflammation, which results in the heel pain and stiffness of plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis (PLAN-tur fas-e-I-tis) is probably the most common cause of heel pain.

Plantar fasciitis usually causes stabbing pain that often accompanies your first steps in the morning.

The pain normally decreases after a few steps or minutes, but it might return after long periods of standing or when you stand up after sitting.

Heel spurs are found in about 50% of plantar fasciitis cases at which point we get into a chicken and egg situation. Are heel spurs caused by plantar fasciitis or vice, versa?

Often referred to as an overuse injury I prefer to see it as a poor-use injury.

Numerous factors contribute to plantar fasciitis:

  • High arches
  • Flat feet
  • Work that requires you to stand or walk for extended periods.
  • Starting a new activity
  • Overdoing a new activity
  • The repetitive impact from running or jumping
  • Tight calves
  • Poor Movement Patterns

The Foot

The human foot is extraordinary. There are 206 bones in the human body and a quarter of them are in the feet.

The feet have a number of functions. They bear and transfer weight through the skeleton, act as shock absorbers, and create forward motion.

Each foot has:

  • 26 Bones
  • 33 Joints
  • 42 Muscles
  • At least 30 Ligaments

The feet are extremely flexible and designed to both adapt to uneven surfaces and maintain stability.

The feet are the foundation of movement and play an essential role in walking, running, jumping, climbing, dancing… and more. 

You could just walk away now, continue on your path, and try to figure the rest out on your own and end up spending thousands more on medical bills, medication and even surgery.

Or worse...

You could ultimately end up with permanent foot pain because if you fail to take advantage of the body's amazing design, you can very well end up like the old person stooped over and holding up traffic as it takes five minutes to cross the street.

But this is not what I desire for you. And I know it’s not what you desire for yourself.

What People Are Saying About Our

Pain Relief Solutions

I have been in chronic back pain for 10 years! I am very active, yoga teacher, always weight trained. But in the past 3 years I have been not been able to do the things I live to do or at least not at the same capacity. I have been following your CoreWalking plan now for about 3 weeks and already I notice so much change in my body and my pain level has decreased and has changed in duration etc. I am only expecting it to get better... Just wanted to say thanks!

- Sonya Lake

Hello, my name is Nicola. I wanted to say how very pleased I am with CoreWalking. Before I started it, I could hardly walk, my legs were so stiff and sore. And now I can keep up with my daughters and my grandchildren with ease. I am so grateful to Jonathan and will continue practicing his wonderful method.

Nicola Slade

I was at the end of my rope. Daily pain from a tight psoas and piriformis which gave me sciatica and numbness. I searched and spent thousands of dollars until I stumbled across CoreWalking, and although I have a degree for posture therapy, I didn’t really understand my body. Thanks to Jonathan I learned and healed myself! I know that so many people have been and can be helped through this revolutionary system!

Trent Aaron

Here is your answer:

The Plantar Fasciitis Pain Relief  Program

 Rediscover Comfort and Freedom!

   The body is a self-healing machine when employed correctly.

   When I show you how to stand, walk, and exercise you will start to feel immediate relief from plantar fasciitis pain, and within a short time, your pain can be gone forever or reduced to a manageable level.

  Each lesson and exercise will change the way you move, and think, affecting the whole body so that you come out the other side as a new you, healing the body with each step you take.

  • Wake up without pain ready to attack a new day.
  • Take an exercise or yoga class without fear of suffering for it later in the day.
  • Get back to the active lifestyle you thought was gone forever.

In this comprehensive course, we step deep into the world of foot pain, with a particular focus on plantar fasciitis. However, our course is not limited to a single condition; it caters to all individuals seeking relief from various types of foot pain.

Our mission is to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to alleviate nagging foot pain, allowing you to return to the active and vibrant lifestyle you once enjoyed. You'll embark on a transformative journey that encompasses not only relief from pain but also long-term strategies for maintaining optimal foot health.

This course goes beyond temporary fixes. We delve into the root causes of foot pain, exploring how posture, walking patterns, and exercise techniques can influence your overall well-being.

By embracing new approaches and cultivating a deep understanding of foot anatomy and movement & exercise techniques, you'll unlock the potential to make lasting changes in your life.

Don't let foot pain dictate your life any longer. Take the first step towards liberation and enroll in our course today. Embrace the active, vibrant, and pain-free future that awaits you.

Simple Changes Lead To Big Results:

  • If you have been struggling to find answers that no one can provide...
  • If you feel that you have lost a way of life and think that it is gone forever...
  • If you are ready to take control of your healing journey and begin the process of fixing yourself…

Then The Plantar Fasciitis Pain Relief Program is the answer for you!

What would it mean to you to take a long walk after dinner with your partner?

Or to go out dancing?

Or exercise or play sports... without pain before, during, and after?

The depression associated with chronic pain can feed on itself leading to feelings of hopelessness and a belief that you won't ever return to the life you once had...

... where the thought of something as simple as going to the store didn't fill you with worry.

Discover the Power of Our Program:

  • Fast-Acting Pain Relief: Experience immediate relief with our simple yet comprehensive plantar fasciitis treatment plan. We've combined basic changes to your daily routine and proven techniques to alleviate pain quickly and effectively.

  • Tailored Rehabilitation: Our program is customized to address your unique needs, focusing on your individual symptoms and challenges. We understand that every case of plantar fasciitis is different, and our approach ensures maximum effectiveness and faster recovery.

  • Holistic Healing Approach: We don't just treat the symptoms; we tackle the root causes of plantar fasciitis. Our program incorporates a holistic approach, combining walking, standing, stretching exercises, and lifestyle adjustments to promote long-term healing and prevent future flare-ups.

  • Expert Guidance: We are dedicated to your well-being. We will guide you through the program, offering personalized advice, monitoring your progress, and ensuring you receive the highest level of care.

  • Convenience and Accessibility: Our streaming video program is designed to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle. With lifetime access, personal support, and essential bonuses, you can embark on your healing journey with ease.

  • Lasting Results: Don't settle for temporary relief. Our program aims to provide lasting results, enabling you to live a pain-free life and participate in activities you love without restrictions. Regain your mobility, enjoy walks, engage in sports, and savor life's precious moments to the fullest!

Don't let plantar fasciitis control your life any longer. Experience the transformative power of our Plantar Fasciitis Pain Relief Program today. Act now and take the first step toward a pain-free future!

What You Get With The

Plantar Fasciitis Pain Relief  Program

8 Videos About:

  • The Foot
  • Fascia
  • Posture
  • Walking
  • Foot Care
  • Sleeping
  • Foot Care, Tools & Toys

21 Videos with Over An Hour Of Exercises Including:

  • Posture
  • Ball Rolling
  • Calf raises & Variations
  • Deep calf stretches
  • Balance Exercises
  • Toega
  • Ankle Support Exercises
  • Tree Pose & Variations
  • Clam shells
  • Sitting foot stretches

In this program, I'll reveal:

  • How simple changes to the way you walk can relieve your foot and heel pain.
  • Why the way you exercise keeps you from healing your plantar fasciitis.
  • Simple cues to change your posture and facilitate healing.
  • 16 essential exercises that will change your feet for the better, forever.
  • The reason no one has correctly diagnosed and solved your pain.
  • How to facilitate change that lasts.

At this point, I think I know what you are thinking... Why is this program different???

There are a number of involuntary behaviors that we follow that we are basically designed not to think about. Standing, walking, even breathing...

But even though we take this actions for granted there is an optimal way to execute them and it is worth overriding the nervous system in search of more beneficial patterns.

Paying attention to your whole body is key to solving your foot pain and that is something most doctors, physical therapists, and podiatrists are not considering.


Bonus #1

One Private Lesson

Exclusive to this offer.

There is nothing like the personal attention you get by working one on one.

Bonus #2

Video Walking Analysis

Send us a video of your walk and we'll send it back to you with a voiceover and marked up like instant replay on TV.

Bonus #3

First Steps To A New You Book

The essential lessons of The CoreWalking Program in a book with illustrations and exercises.

Bonus #4

Driving Tips Video

Driving can be hard on the feet. This essential video will help to change that.

Bonus #5

Take A Walk With Me mp3 (audio recording)

A 20 minute guided tour to walking, standing and moving your body correctly.

Bonus #6

3 Hour Foot Workshop

Access to live workshop on the foot and ankle.

There will also be a recording of the workshop.

  • Bonus #1    Online Private Lesson $300 Value
  • Bonus # 2    Video Walking Analysis $147 Value    
  • Bonus # 3   First Steps To A New You Book $27 Value    
  • Bonus # 4    Driving Tips Video $27 Value    
  • Bonus # 5    Take A Walk With Me $27 Value    
  • Bonus # 6    3 Hour Foot Workshop $40 Value    

The Plantar Fasciitis

Pain Relief Program

The Plantar Fasciitis Pain Relief Program is simple, effective, and will start you on the road towards healing.

It includes:

  • 8 Educational Video
  • 21 exercise videos
  • 1 exercise eBook
  • 1 Private Lesson
  • 1 Video Walking Analysis
  • 4 Additional Bonuses

Total Value: $615

Discounted Price: Only $97!

I bought the CoreWalking program about three years ago and I am still noticing a difference in my feet. Before when I took walks I would notice that my IT band would be really tight, my hips would be achy, but now I can walk to the store and walk around the park and feel better not worse.

- Katina Paron

I just want to say that I am still amazed at how well the walking program has helped relieve pain that I have had for a number of years. I’ve tried chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists and I still had pain. And something as simple as learning how to walk again, aligning myself in a new way has changed my life.

Florence Hillary

Your walking lessons are probably one of the best things I've ever done. I wish I could clone you and have all my clients work with you.

Maya Ray

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't have a satisfactory reduction of pain by 60 days, just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund.

   P.S.: The proof is in the pudding. We have helped thousands of people find relief from pain with CoreWalking Pain Relief Programs and we look forward to your testimonial joining the ones above.

   Even though our guarantee is 60 days you will start feeling relief within days making your pain much more manageable.

About the Founder

   Following three knee surgeries in my thirties I took a step back to see why I kept repeating the same injuries over and over again.

   When someone asked me what I was doing to prevent a     fourth surgery, my life's work presented itself. First I got healthy myself and now I am translating that for others.

Jonathan FitzGordon

- Creator of CoreWalking

The Plantar Fasciitis

Pain Relief Program

The Plantar Fasciitis Pain Relief Program is simple, effective, and will start you on the road towards healing.

It includes:

  • 8 Educational Video
  • 21 exercise videos
  • 1 exercise eBook
  • 1 Private Lesson
  • 1 Video Walking Analysis
  • 4 Additional Bonuses

Total Value: $615

Discounted Price: Only $97!

A Testimonial from Cynthia Garner

I have had dull low back pain for most of my life. But after bearing children, this pain became sharp and intolerable. Eventually, it started to impact my health, by limiting the physical activities I could do. Having, of course, previously been to doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, posture specialists, and massage therapists, with no results, I turned to the internet. I bought many books, some of them happened to be books written by Jonathan Fitzgordon. After reading all of his books which taught me to make one simple self adjustment to the posture of my hips during my daily activities, my low back pain was GONE. Literally, after 10 minutes! Still lingering, however, was mild neck pain. I knew there was more for me to know. So, I signed up for the Corewalking program. The neck issues are definitely more complicated for me to fix. But with private sessions online, Jonathan is able to look at my posture and movements and give me specific exercises and tips to help my issues. Jonathan has a rare gift. He has the knowledge of what is going wrong with a large majority of the population's posture. And, here comes the rocket science part....he knows how to communicate to you what you need to do to move properly and how to give you the sense of feeling when you are moving properly. Of all the money I have spent on doctors and such, the amount of money and time spent on Corewalking was minimal but yielded me the best results! One year ago, my life consisted of back pain, migraines, numbness and tingling in my limbs, vertigo, and limited exercise, which was kind of scary to me. Now, I have NONE of those symptoms. And, I can exercise to my heart's content, which makes me very happy. Thank you to Jonathan! I highly recommend him to anyone and everyone.

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