Weekend Mashup: Back to School

Here is the weekend mashup- a collection of things from the past week that won’t get a post of their own but I wanted to mention.

First up is a great interview with Tom Myers about Ida Rolf, fascia, and the future of yoga. The money quote:

And I think yoga has a lot to say about that(the future of health*). So I’m really hoping that yoga will improve its training standards and improve its ability to talk its walk so that the value that yoga has will make it into this new science.

*my italics


breathing lessonsBreathing Lessons is an iPhone app created by Carla Melucci Ardito, a yoga instructor and breath technique expert with more than twenty years of teaching experience, that guides users through an animated video illustrating the anatomy of the breath and the healing, calming, and strengthening effects of better breathing.

I have known Carla for years and I love seeing all the great reviews that the app is getting.


calcaneonavicular-ligament_blogFor the true anatomy geeks here is The Daily Bhanda, the Blog of Dr. Ray Long, the author of The Key Muscles of Hatha Yoga and other excellent books. This link comes with a warning. It is a supremely technical and science based exploration of yoga and health issues. Where I try to make my posts accessible to anyone with or without an anatomy background, this site is for the professional or aspiring professional.


weekend mashupI have been known to rant to my poor wife about the chickens that cost $5 a pound at the farmers market. I pay $3.50 for Bobo’s chickens at the Park Slope Food Coop (they come with feet attached which makes for great soup and excellent chasing of the children) and that ain’t cheap. When I saw this blog post about the actual costs/profit margins for raising the kinds of birds I want to eat (no corn soy, or GMO’s), I was suitably chastened.

The Cost of Raising Chickens without Corn, Soy or GMO’s


Finally, I am blown away by the artwork of Danny Quirk. Enjoy!

danny quirk

Sunday Morning Music: The Replacements