Does The Body Change The Mind?

Amy Cuddy Your body language shapes who you are Talk Video TED.comIt would be very easy to have a blog that simply put up TED talks on a daily basis. I try hard to avoid that but there are so many amazing TED talks that it can be difficult. This talk by Amy Cuddy is from 2012 and it is a beautiful piece of work. When I first saw it it had about 4 million views and it is now up to 20 million.

I have nothing to add except that it resonates with everything I am trying to do in the pursuit of teaching better posture. I just read someone who I truly respect say that you can’t teach someone to change their posture which I was genuinely surprised by. I just don’t buy it.

And not only do I think people can change their posture for the better, they can change their mind at the same time. As Amy Cuddy says, “Don’t fake it till you make it, fake it till you become it.”

And even though it is somewhat of a non sequitor I’ll throw is some lyrics by Morrissey. They aren’t particularly connected but Still Ill is one of my favorite songs and lyrics.


Still Ill- The Smiths

I decree today that life is simply taking and not giving
England is mine, it owes me a living
But ask me why and I’ll spit in your eye
Oh, ask me why and I’ll spit in your eye
But we cannot cling to the old dreams anymore
No, we cannot cling to those dreams

Does the body rule the mind
Or does the mind rule the body?
I dunno

Under the iron bridge we kissed
And although I ended up with sore lips
It just wasn’t like the old days anymore
No, it wasn’t like those days
Am I still ill?
Oh, am I still ill?

Does the body rule the mind
Or does the mind rule the body?
I dunno

Ask me why and I’ll die
Oh, ask me why and I’ll die
And if you must go to work tomorrow
Well, if I were you I wouldn’t bother
For there are brighter sides to life
And I should know because I’ve seen them
But not very often

Under the iron bridge we kissed
And although I ended up with sore lips
It just wasn’t like the old days anymore
No, it wasn’t like those days
Am I still ill?
Oh, am I still ill?



Weekend Mashup: October 18th