Continuum Movement

One of the things that I hope to do with this blog is share my enthusiasm for the many different forms of bodywork and movement therapies that are out there in our world and available to those willing to search a little below the radar.

In the 20th century that there were a number of women in particular who tore the cover off the ball of the body and went deep inside to unwrap its hidden meanings. This list includes Mabel Todd, Lulu Swiegard, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen,  Emilie Conrad, Irmgard Bartenieff, Therese Bertherat (who I have already written about), and others.
The stunning video above is from Emilie Conrad the creator of continuum movement and features one of her senior teachers Susan Harper. If you check out more of the continuum videos you will find a series of interviews with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, one of my hero’s.

Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, Conrad was a professional dancer who spent a lot of time in Haiti before ending up in Los Angeles and creating continuum in the 1960’s. Continuum movement is based on the fact that we are fundamentally fluid beings.

 “The body is movement because we come from water and we’re composed mostly of water. We are wave motions that become stabilized in order to function on this planet.”

“We see that a human being is an ongoing process, not a fixed point in time and space. We become finely tuned to ourselves and feel and experience movement that is not muscular; movement that is allowing the unfolding of that movement to make itself present in every aspect of our lives. In this way the boundaries of creativity, spirituality, and healing are never separated. They’re really different aspects of the same thing.”

– Emilie Conrad-

If you are interested in checking out continuum movement classes in NYC, here is the place- moving body resources.
