Discover The Joy Of Healing  With The BodyMind Membership Program

Learn how to walk, stand and exercise for graceful aging in the next 12 months with ease rather than effort as you learn to employ simple, proven, and effective techniques.

Join A Vibrant Online Community Focused On Learning, Healing & Aging Gracefully

Through a combination of encouragement, accountability, and community support, you'll get your questions answered about injuries, anatomy, pain relief, and many more aspects of healing and aging.


Study Live Online with Jonathan FitzGordon

The BodyMind Tackles the 3 Biggest Problems Preventing People From Healing Fully & Aging Successfully

  • You will receive a complete and accurate assessment of your issues (that doctors don’t always recognize).
  • You will change and improve inefficient movement patterns that keep you from healing.
  • You will relax your nervous system for ease, health, and living better.


For the past 20 years I have worked with people who have complex pain issues that fail to resolve. 

It doesn't matter how long you have been in pain and what you have tried in the past. My methods are simple & effective, and making basic changes to your daily habits and exercise routine.

It is my belief everyone can heal and get back to a lifestyle you might have thought was gone forever.

Following three knee surgeries of my own that I thought would limit me as I aged, I discovered how to heal and use my body allowing me to live a fully active life doing anything I like.

The BodyMind is...

A forum for learning about the body, healing and aging in a simple down to earth community.

A place for healing through simple lifestyle changes.

A space for people in pain and people who help others out of pain to gather for mentoring, education and peer accountability.

In joining this dynamic collective you will experience a superior level of feedback – allowing you to resolve pain issues and limit further injury.

You will deepen your awareness of your own movement patterns while enhancing your ability to get out of pain and age gracefully.

What's In The BodyMind

Here's How It Works

Once you sign up, you will receive login information and access to weekly yoga/strength/mobility classes and two workshops a month. Everything is recorded and archived for you to watch at your convenience.  You will also have unlimited email support for any questions you might have.


Each month I offer 2 live workshops. eBooks of the exercises and slideshows are always included.

Yoga/Strength/Mobility Classes

Every Tuesday & Thursday I offer live yoga classes for all levels that focus on alignment and core dynamics.


All workshops and classes are recorded for future viewing. Ebooks of all exercises are also provided.


Walter M. talks about his experience with Jonathan, his yoga classes and The BodyMind Membership Program

How It All Works

Our amazing human body is designed to be a self healing machine.

We are meant to walk in a particular way… and then there is the way we actually walk.

There is a way to stand best… and then there is the way we stand.

When it comes to breathing… there is a way to breathe most efficiently and trust me, that is probably not happening for most of us.

This is not the way it has to be.

We can change.

We can walk better... stand better... and exercise better.

When the body functions at this higher level we can heal from injury and illness faster and more effectively.

Turn the aging process into an ally instead of an enemy as you learn tools for navigating life with grace and aplomb.

Invest in One Year of The BodyMind Membership Program and change the way you see,

think and feel about your body, and the treasures it has to offer.

Case Studies

Watch students and clients talk about their experiences working with Jonathan

Click to play

Libby McPherson shares how her foot, leg, and hip pain improved by 85% within three months.

Ken McCarthy talks about his 40 year pain journey and why Jonathan's methods worked where others hadn't.

Click to play

Mary McKenna talks about long walks are possible again and how dancing has returned to her life.

Join The BodyMind 
$77 a month/ $497 for a year 

(Payment plans available for yearly purchase.)

Join today and get an amazing bonus:  1 Video Walking Analysis

Send us a video of your walk and Jonathan will analyze it and return it to you with a voice over and annotation showing you exactly the changes you need to make to move better (a $147 value)

Upcoming Workshops

  • Saturday, April 19th Core Strength Workshop 
  • Saturday,  May 3rd 3 Hour All Levles Yoga Class 
  • Saturday, May 17th Posture Wrkshop
  • Saturday,  May  31st Strengthen Your Spine Workshop[ 
  • Saturday, June 14th Hip Opening Workshop 
  • Saturday,  July 5th Introduction to the Brain & Nervous System
  • Saturday,  July 19th Support Your Knees Workshop
  • Saturday,  August 2nd Sleep Is Everything Workshop 
  • Saturday,  September 9th Scoliosis Workshop
  • Saturday,  September 20th Hypermobility Workshop
  • Saturday,  October 11th Relaxation Workshop 
  • Saturday,  October 25th Cycling Workshop
  • Saturday,  November 8th Balance Workshop
  • Saturday,  November 22nd Tennis Elbow Workshop
  • Saturday,  December 6th Psoas Release Party
  • Saturday,  December 20th Introduction to Meditation Workshop

Yerzy O. talks about his experience with Jonathan, his yoga classes and The BodyMind Membership Program

Join The BodyMind 
$77 a month/ $497 for a year 

(Payment plans available for yearly purchase.)

Join today and get an amazing bonus:  1 Video Walking Analysis

Send us a video of your walk and Jonathan will analyze it and return it to you with a voice over and annotation showing you exactly the changes you need to make to move better (a $147 value)

Case Studies

Watch students and clients talk about their experiences working with Jonathan

Click to play

Sandra shares how her knee pain is so much better in a short time, especially when walking up stairs.

Click to play

Jeremy thought he might have to stop playing basketball and instead is playing better than ever with guys half his age.

Click to play

Marty Lyman shares her experiences recovering from surgeries and getting back to full activity with Jonathan’s help.