From One Psoas to Another

From one psoas to another: tying up loose ends. It's the cutting

From Blog: DayBooks

From One Psoas to Another

Tying up loose ends, it’s the cutting edge.  Yow!

Over two months of travel followed by jury duty takes a lot of the release out of the psoas.

Sitting. Sitting on trains, sitting on planes, sitting in the jury room (I wasn’t the only one trying to stay in easy cross-legged).  Even sukasana and double pigeon doesn’t help that much when your sitting surface (the floor) is had tile. There’s no give.  And Andalucía (where we go in the fall) is hard, beautiful tile. When we go back in October we will be renting an apartment from a flamenco dancer.  That means wood.  Flamenco dancers might do a few hops and swing arms on pavement or tile.  But they don’t get into it, don’t truly reach their duende until they tap wood. I am already eager.
One of the things I miss most about our apartment in Brooklyn is the wood floors.  Not wood veneer over concrete (which seems currently ubiquitous).  Wood over nothing.  Wood over air. 
When you come back to real wood after months on tile it feels like you’re walking on grass.  Walking on sand.  It’s wonderful.  Barefoot once again.  Feeling your arches lift.  Your toes spread.  Feels so good — can it be legal?
But be that as it may, I have been working on releasing my psoas (psoai?), revisiting some of Jonathans videos, the Party ebook: constructive rest, reclining half lotus, supta padangusthasana, slowly evolving to double pigeon and pigeon.  We’re been back for about three weeks now and I’m just beginning the unwind part of the wound-up.  I’m really struck (all over again) by the connection of the psoas to the foot. 
(And speaking of feet — I was just celebrating barefoot walking and today the temperatures are near zero and I have to put on the stupid socks again.
Poor Posture and Tight Lower Back Muscles