Forget Everything You Knew About Walking: Why You May Need Gait-Training Boot Camp
Jonathan FitzGordon is a yoga teacher whose combination of movement, exercise, and release work has earned him a cult following. Classes are available one-on-one in Brooklyn or via Skype.

Learning The Art Of Walking
ABC’s John McKenzie visits Jonathan FitzGordon to get a walking lesson

Walking For Better Posture
Jonathan identifies four alignment remedies for common posture problems when walking.

Whole Living
“Take a Hike: A Family-Friendly Guide to Getting Started”

Whole Living
“Fit Feet”

Learning To Walk Correctly

Time Out New York
“Stride Right” (PDF)

Learning How to Walk (Chewing Gum Not Included)
Jonathan’s walking classes are highlighted in this informative article in the New York Times.

Start Posturing
“An awareness of posture and simple tweaks to alignment can go a long way toward easing aching backs and sore joints.” Jonathan is one of the experts that discuss how to stand and sit for greater comfort and less pain.

Improved WalkingThe Yoga Talk Show, Lucas Rockwood’s weekly podcast on all things yoga, health, and wellness, highlights Jonathan FitzGordon and his CoreWalking program.

Whole Living
“Sleep On It”

CBS News HealthWatch:
Unlearning Bad Walking Habits

“Get Walking” (PDF)

“Underground Health” (PDF)