Saturday Morning Musical: Starstruck

I can wax was rhapsodically about a number of movies that nobody seems to care much about. One of them is Starstruck, the second feature from the Australian director Gillian Armstrong. Thirty years later after countless viewings, Starstruck remains one of my very favorite movies, let alone musicals.

Therefore I thought it would be appropriate to start our new feature—Saturday Morning Musical (next door neighbor to Sunday Morning Music) with, I Want to Live in a House, sung by Ross O’Donovan who didn’t go on to have an acting career as far as I can figure.

Among other things I love watching dance for the core pyrotechnics that usually pass unnoticed. He has a cool little move at 1:04 where he jumps his feet forward and walks in a squat. I gave it a try and didn’t come close.

The final bit of Starstruck trivia is that it appears to be the second film appearance by the actor Geoffrey Rush.

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