Introducing The Sciatica Pain Relief Program
Less Effort, More Results, and a Pain-Free Life.
Hear how I went from having chronic sciatica, thinking I’d “tried it all”, to making a full recovery.
The secret? It’s way easier than you think…
If you’ve landed here, chances are your reality looks a lot like mine did ten years ago:
Hearing that determination can feel pretty ironic when you leave the office in so much pain that you struggle just to get settled into your car for the drive home. You slowly pull away again, silently adding up all the money you’ve spent on healthcare and professionals you’ve been taught to trust and believed would help you.
Then, you arrive home.
Your spouse and kids give all their love and support, but that doesn’t chase the pain away. Over time, their inability to help may even wear on them so much they’ve grown numb to your distress altogether. You realize that this state you feel so stuck in not only comes at an immeasurable cost to you, but also the people you care about the most.
Rinse and repeat.
You’re left completely deflated. Until now...
If this is you, it’s not your fault.
And I know that better than anyone else.
Sometimes we do everything we’re “supposed to” by traditional standards, and it’s still not enough. The truth is that the most effective solutions often tend to be the most simple and overlooked ones as well!
Even our doctors, who are educated and well-meaning, will neglect the potential impact of just one muscle that has completely changed my life.
The good news: I learned how to realign this nerve correctly and with the information and techniques in this program, so can you.
What Is Sciatica?

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body and its dysfunction causes many types of pain and discomfort.
From local pain in the lower back, to shooting pain down the leg, or a dull throbbing in the butt, and more... the sciatic nerve has it all.
Starting at the base of the spinal cord, 5 nerve roots flow through the pelvis to meet deep in the butt forming the sciatic nerve which travels all the way down to the feet.
And there is very little help available to those caught in the long-term grip of this debilitating pain.
Until now...
SCIATICA can stop you cold
But it doesn't have to...
I’d been to countless doctors who provided little insight. I'd done physical therapy that worked short term, but the pain would always come back. I love my chiropractor, but it wouldn’t be long after getting adjusted that the pain would return like clockwork.
Not once did anyone mention something as simple as my posture.
Not once did someone say that I should learn about the pain I was going through.
And not once did anyone tell me about release exercises where you relax muscles instead of stretching them.
To find that doing less rather than more could be the key to unlock the pain that had taken away my highly active lifestyle, and that this could work for anyone no matter how fit or not, and most incredibly, it did not require advil, cortisone or surgery -- this was both game-changing and bewildering to me.
Imagine a treatment for your pain where less is more? That'd be amazing, right?
Well, that's why I am so excited about...
The Sciatica Pain Relief Program
What is the Sciatica Pain Relief Program?
I’m a teacher from a long line of teachers. It’s in my blood. When I set out to help others relieve their chronic pain, I knew that education should begin with a foundational knowledge of the body itself and how it works. The more we know about our bodies overall, the more likely we are to heal and maintain that same level of wellness.
The first third of the "Sciatica Pain Relief Program" teaches you all about this painful nerve, even before you start your new exercises. This part is important and will allow you to understand exactly what is happening to your sciatic nerve so releasing it makes sense.
The second part of the "Sciatica Pain Relief Program", which is all about the release exercises that will change the way you feel for the better, forever. These consist of passive poses designed to put gravity to work for you, creating a space for the sciatic nerve to flow better and pain to decrease.
The third and final part of the "Sciatica Pain Relief Program" is designed for when you are out of acute pain and ready to work on stretching and strengthening.
The Truth About Sciatica

Sciatica typically only affects one side of the body.
Pain can radiate along the nerve, running down the leg from the lower back.
A herniated disk or bone spur gets in the way and presses on the nerve.
Pain starts deep in the butt when the piriformis muscle is in spasm.
Pain can be dull, throbbing, shooting and...
Ultimately the foot can go numb as the nerve fails.
Medications for pain and physical therapy are common, but often ineffective, treatments.
Join the Sciatica Pain Relief Program

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Original Price: $97
Special Discounted Price:
Just $47!

Core Topics of the Program:
Understand the significance of the sciatic nerve and apply that to improve your overall health.
Learn and practice a series of release exercises that relieve chronic pain and discomfort.
**Even if everything else has failed.**
Go from daily suffering to a lifestyle and freedom you thought was lost forever.
Sciatica typically only affects one side of the body.
Pain can radiate along the nerve, running down the leg from the lower back.
A herniated disk or bone spur gets in the way and presses on the nerve.
Pain starts deep in the butt when the piriformis muscle is in spasm.
Pain can be dull, throbbing, shooting and...
Ultimately the foot can go numb as the nerve fails.
Medications for pain and physical therapy are common, but often ineffective, treatments.
What's Included:
7 Video Lessons About the Anatomy of The Sciatic Nerve
10 Release Videos for Healing Sciatic Pain
10 Exercise Videos for Stretching & Strengthening
In this program, I’ll reveal:
When you learn what’s really causing the pain in your body and how to release it, you can finally begin your journey to greater overall well-being. And the best part is, I’ve made it simpler than ever before.
Bonus 1

The Sciatica/ Piriformis Syndrome E-book
An in depth exploration in the sciatic nerve, the piriformis muscle and resources for healing.
Bonus 2

Sciatica Pain Relief Exercise E-book
All of the program's exercise in a handy E-Book with illustrations and detailed instructions.
Bonus 3

Take A Walk With Me mp3 (audio recording)
A 20 minute guided tour to walking, standing, and aligning your sciatic nerve correctly.
Bonus 4

1 Video Walking Analysis
Send us a video of your walk and we will send it back to you with a voiceover and marked up like instant replay on TV.
Bonus 5

LIVE Q & A Support
Each month you will be invited to a live Q & A where you can ask questions and work on your issues.
Join the Sciatica Pain Relief Program

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Original Price: $97
Special Discounted Price:
Just $47!

This program is for you if:
When we experience chronic pain, it not only affects us in the present, but also puts us at greater risk in the future. You’re prone to sleep deprivation, more susceptible to injuries, and you could even need a walker just to maneuver your own home.
Thankfully, the exercises that you’ll learn in this program have helped both me and my students to regain our freedom.

Imagine no more missed opportunities or feeling like a bystander in your own life...

The CoreWalking Program was born out of Jonathan FitzGordon‘s personal and professional experience with changing the body’s habitual movement patterns through self-awareness and repetition.
The program’s philosophy reflects our ability to unlearn destructive, involuntary responses that manifest as physical pain. This approach is the result of Jonathan’s own proactive research and is informed by the body’s reactions to its environment as well as several key muscles.
After suffering through three knee surgeries, and consistently re-injuring himself, his own success story -- and those of his clients -- serves as a testament to how powerful these strategies can be. Injury free these many years later, his walking program strives to continue helping others age gracefully and live pain free lives.
Jonathan has been practicing yoga since 1995 and has been teaching since 2000, having studied with some of the yoga community’s leading teachers. He owned and operated the Yoga Center of Brooklyn from 2001-2009 and created the CoreWalking Program in 2005.
In his own words, “Walking is something we all do, and walking correctly is an amazing way to bring positive change to our aging bodies”.
I teach workshops all around the world. See what some of my students have to say:

Callie D.
Recommend this to everyone who deals with back pain...
This is exactly what I've been looking for...cannot express how much this has helped me realize the connection emotions and muscles play on our bodies. Recommend this to everyone who deals with back pain. The Psoas muscles plays such a crucial role in our body.

Trent A.
I learned and healed myself!
I was at the end of my rope. Daily pain from a tight Psoas and piriformis which gave me sciatica and numbness. I searched and spent thousands of dollars until I stumbled across the Psoas Release Party!, and although I have a degree for posture therapy, I didn’t really understand my body. Thanks to Jonathan, I learned and healed myself! I know that so many people have been and can be helped through this revolutionary system!
Beyond grateful to indebted!

Susie B.
Happy to have found this program.
I have found this program the most helpful thing I have done after slipping a disc over 10 years ago. I have done a lot of different therapies and rehab programs. Just learning how to stand better helped a lot. So I am very grateful to you and happy to have found this program.
Join the Sciatica Pain Relief Program

Limited Time Special Offer
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Original Price: $97
Special Discounted Price:
Just $47!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
You are fully protected by our 60 Day 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. I know the struggle of trying option after option, looking for something that brings relief. I believe in this system and I want you to have the chance to finally experience the pain relief and freedom you deserve. That means I want you to know that there's no won't end up with yet another thing, collecting digital dust.
If you feel that the program isn't helpful or not what you need, just let us know within 60 days and we'll send you a prompt refund.

P.S.: I know that after everything you've tried and all the adjustments you've had to make in your life, it can seem like there's no way forward and things just are the way they are.
I promise you, you can change the way your body moves and feels. I've lived it! These are exercises, resources, and materials I've developed over years of personal practice and research, and they've been tested and proven over and over and over again by hundreds of students in the program.
Imagine what you would do with less pain. Imagine that there really is a simple and manageable system you can stick to. Imagine not having to live day by day keeping a mental list of limitations and worries. It is possible, and all you have to do is get started...
Copyright 2021 - CoreWalking