Sunday Morning Music: The Ass Ponys

The Ass Ponys, from Cincinnati, Ohio, were a Favorite band of mine for a while back in the day. The singer songwriter Chuck Cleaver is now in the band Wussy that I just started listening to so I have some catching up to do.

When I was listening to The Ass Ponys in the late 90’s I was working on a house renovation in Bucks County, PA with a bunch of dudes into hardcore who hated the music I listened to though one day rummaging through my tapes (yes tapes), someone came out with the one labeled Ass Ponys—Grim and put it on figuring it had to be grunge with a name like that. Needless to say it didn’t last long on the tape deck.

Here is a link to an interview from last year with Cleaver and Lisa Walker, his partner in Wussy, that is a great insight into the life of most musicians who just want to play. My nephew is sixteen and wants a career in music. It ain’t easy.


Screwing The Femoral Head Into Its Socket