Jonathan FitzGordon, creator of the CoreWalking Program, and Psoas Release Party! has been working since 2006 to help people find solutions to complex pain issues that are not resolving through traditional methods.
Jonathan's approach synthesizes movement, posture, exercise and the nervous system to prepare your body and mind for healing and aging.
Ken McCarthy talks about his 40 year pain journey and what has helped.
Here is a follow up email from Amanda:
Hi Jonathan,
I imagine it's typical for someone to do your program and then disappear without circling back and letting you know how things are going. I'm reaching out to thank you for the unbelievable gift you've given me through your program. The tools you've given me have helped me navigate a minor injury and helped me develop a much deeper awareness of what my body needs in both activity and rest.
I came to you in an effort to address injury before it got out of hand but I never imagined the outcome - by learning to use my body as an integrated whole, I've also discovered pleasure in movement in a way I've never had. I didn't realize I had been in a trench war *against* my body for so many years, and now I'm actually feeling pure joy - even elation - when running and walking and doing yoga.
Thank you for all of this.
Jeremy Sharpe talks about his quality of life improvements in a short time.
Julie talks with me about what led her to the Be Your Own Healer Program and her lifelong journey of physical discovery
Christine McRae shares her experience working with Jonathan in the Be Your Own Healer Program and processing chronic pain.
Sandra Lippmann chats with Jonathan about hyperextension of the knees, constructive rest, and long covid.
Nicola Slade shares her experience with the CoreWalking Program
Robert Brandt is 68 and pain free.
Frank Prisinzano talks about getting back on his feet.
Jerzy O talks about his experience with Jonathan & The BodyMind Program

Cally Reiman can walk around in any shoes she wants.
Hi Jonathan,
Just wanted to say how much I love your yoga classes! And what a difference they are making to my strength and flexibility.
I can't always join live but try to do 2 a week from the recordings when I can't be there live.
Today for the first time in my life I could put my foot up on my upper thigh in tree pose - never ever been able to do that before! I've always had to put it on the lower leg in the past. It definitely helps that it is REALLY warm here right now but still... It's a noticeable difference.
And a few weeks back when we did crow pose I was able to do that - first time ever.
I'm now doing other exercise regularly which is all helping but I know that the great foundations you are giving in these classes and the workshops is making all the difference.
Thank you so much!
Alexis Quadrado talks about how walking has helped.
Walter M. talks about the benefits both him and a friend received.
Hi Jonathan!
Just wanted to let you know that I have not hurt my lower back/SI joint in over two years, thanks to your help. I'm sticking with constructive rest, transverse abdominis exercises, and side plank twists, and I feel strong and the back feels safe. I've also recently gotten into forearm planks, and am doing yoga more regularly. So, thank you!
I do occasionally still have a twinge in my mid back area (not terrible, but not fun when it happens). From some googling, my best guess is that it's my serratus posterior inferior, a small spot on the right side (usually happens when lifting something heavy with my right hand). I'm always trying to keep my posture correct, but my efforts have focused on my lumbar spine, not thoracic, and now I'm trying to include thoracic more in my thinking. Any suggestions on exercises/stretches to combat this nagging injury would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for everything you do! You really have saved my back.
Justin Carter
Florence Hillary
Michael Delfausse
Mathias Kunzli
Katina Peron
Lou Mintz