The Body is a Machine

1024px-Bonsack_machineThe body is a machine. Like any machine it has a specific design and will break down if not used properly.  If you were to buy a new piece of equipment it is usually wise to read the instruction manual before beginning operation. Good advice but not always followed. I can’t tell you the number of times I have taken something out of its box to begin use only to have to go back to the manual to get a better read on how to use whatever new toy I might have purchased.

I think many people’s relationships to their bodies follow a similar dynamic. There is an instruction manual for the body. It might not be written into our DNA but plenty of well trained professionals know how it is supposed to work. In fact, at the turn of the last century deportment, or movement, classes could be found in many schools in europe as well as north America. Today there is an endless amount of available literature on how and why the body works.  But most people plow through life and don’t really think about how this thing called a body works until they get injured and wind up in a physical therapists office to get them back on track.

Almost everyone is an expert on something. If you have a profession you know it inside and out and can probably talk at length about your given subject. I propose that everyone should take on another form of expertise. Become an expert about your own body and learn about proper mechanics and the benefits of ideal use and alignment.
