The core in CoreWalking refers to the three muscle groups that I feel best support the body’s most important muscle the psoas major. The psoas major is the core muscle of walking as the body is designed to fall forward with each step and the psoas major initiates the movement of the back leg to catch us before we fall. The psoas is the most important muscle in the body for reasons that I have stated ad nauseam here on the blog, but once more couldn’t hurt.
- Along with the piriformis, the only other muscle that connects the legs to the spine, it helps to hold our spine up on top of the pelvis.
- It is the main muscle of a successful walking pattern.
- It is the storage center of the body’s unprocessed trauma
These three core muscle groups that I refer to as the holy trinity all need to have balanced tone in order for the psoas and in turn the body to work correctly.
- The levator ani– The uppermost layer of the pelvic floor.
- The adductors– Five inner thigh muscles that run from the pubic bone to below the knee with one connection at the ischial tuberosity, or sit bone.
- The abdominal muscles– with a particular emphasis on the transverse abdominis which directly supports the lower, or lumbar, spine.
We need core muscles that are toned balanced and used often enough to support the correct functioning of the body. We have a specific design and require muscles that are up for the job. You would be amazed at how few people I meet who have muscles that should even apply.