Here is the Weekend Mashup for February 8th: Some articles I enjoyed from the past week that didn’t warrant a post of their own.
We need more sleep. Get some sleep.
Does where, or how we give birth actually matter? Could the way we give birth be changing us as a species?
I have pre-ordered my Lumo Lift and am very excited to check it out. My only apprehension is that most of these devices think about posture in a much different way than I do. We shall see. Does This Posture-Sensing Device Really Keep You Sitting Up Straight?
Are You Pooping All Wrong? Ah the Squatty Potty. A toy after my own heart. You don’t really need to buy one, just put your feet up on a couple of yoga blocks.
Finally, a fascinating and painful article in classic New Yorker tradition, about herbicides and science research. A Valuable Reputation.