Rejuvenation Movement Method

Healing Pain & Aging Successfully With Simple Changes To Your Posture, Movement and Nervous System

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Creator of the CoreWalking Program, Psoas Release Party! and other pain relief solutions Jonathan helps people deal with stubborn chronic pain issues, improving athletic performance, and learning how to age gracefully in a modern world where that is increasingly difficult.

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My journey

After suffering through three knee surgeries and repeatedly re-injuring himself, a yoga teacher asked Jonathan the question that would change his life:

“What are you doing to prevent a fourth surgery?”

After picking his jaw up off the floor, he decided to step back and take a good look at how the body works.

Many years later, Jonathan is injury free and his warm, funny and personal approach helps people change their body and mind through self-awareness, healthy habits, and essential changes to posture, movement, and exercise.

Live Workshops

Case Studies

I imagine it's typical for someone to do your program and then disappear without circling back and letting you know how things are going. I'm reaching out to thank you for the unbelievable gift you've given me through your program. The tools you've given me have helped me navigate a minor injury and helped me develop a much deeper awareness of what my body needs in both activity and rest.


Interesting articles

Plantar Fasciitis & The Pain In Your Foot

By Jonathan FitzGordon  I  January 18, 2024

Plantar Fasciitis & The Pain In Your Foot

Joint Hypermobility: Are You Loose Or Are You Tight?

By Jonathan FitzGordon  I  August 23, 2023

Joint Hypermobility: Are You Loose Or Are You Tight?

4 important Joints and Aging Successfully

By Jonathan FitzGordon  I  August 17, 2023

4 important Joints and Aging Successfully
Free Book—Psoas: The Wonder Muscle - H

Start Your Journey Now!

There are so many ways the body works that we are not designed to think about.

No one taught you how to walk— You stood up around one year old and started on a lifelong journey without thinking about whether you do it well or not.

Your parents told you that posture was standing up straight and taking your shoulders back— two instructions that have led to more back pain and surgeries than can be counted.

Walking and standing poorly shuts off our access to healthy breathing.

Combine all that with a world that doesn’t accommodate a sensitive nervous system and it is a wonder that anyone gets through life unscathed.

Jonathan’s pain relief solutions, live workshops, yoga classes, and private program hold the answers you have been looking for if you want to understand how to live and age well.